Huguenot Happenings

The Huguenot Heritage of Marion
The ancestry of the Marion family from France to Carolina.

What Awaits You in French Santee
Don’t miss the Ramble on April 5, 2025. Here we provide all the details of the day’s events.

Commemorate Lafayette 200!
The Huguenot Society of South Carolina and The American Friends of Lafayette to Commemorate Lafayette200 with a talk at The French Protestant (Huguenot) Church: “The Edict of Toleration and Lafayette: a story of allied French descendants in the fight for liberty and toleration.”

Post Helene Inspection of Huguenot Cross Site at New Bordeaux
Through misty eyes we see our cross is not damaged but its surroundings are forever changed.

St. Thomas and St. Denis: Fall Family Event
The Revocation was remembered very near the Orange Quarter/St. Denis cross site.

Post Helene Inspection of Huguenot Cross Site at Purrysburg
Purrysburg Cross Site Inspection: Post Helene

Huguenot History Presented at Lowcountry Senior Center
The Society provided a talk South Carolina's Huguenot Heritage at the Lowcountry Senior Center today.

Huguenot History Presented at Colonial Day in Berkeley County
The Society participated in Colonial Day in Berkeley County sharing the history of the Huguenots and their impact on colonial South Carolina.

The 260th Anniversary of New Bordeaux
260th Anniversary of New Bordeaux: A wonderful program and visit to the cross site.

L’Esprit Huguenot Award presented to Harriott Cheves Leland
Society honors Harriott Cheves Leland

Fête to feature Huguenot Treasures at The Charleston Museum
Preparing Huguenot Treasures for the April 12, 2024 membership tour!

First Culinary Workshop with Explore Charleston sold out and featured two delicious recipes with Huguenot history
A tremendous event with Explore Charleston open to locals and visitors.

Updating the History of the French Protestant (Huguenot) Church
The Society was so pleased to welcome the tour guides of the French Protestant (Huguenot) Church for a discussion of the church’s history as we partner to update the church pamphlet for guides and visitors.

Education Hour in Berkeley Today
Today the Society provided an Education Hour to a group of homeschool students on Brig. Gen. Francis Marion.

Swamp Fox Honored Today
Brig. Gen. Francis Marion, Huguenot descendant and Revolutionary War patriot, honored today with a ceremony upon the 229th anniversary of his death.

The Society to present culinary workshop with Explore Charleston
Society to host first culinary workshop with Explore Charleston.

The Huguenot Ancestor of George Washington
The Society remembers the Huguenot ancestor of George Washington.

Hunting Huguenot Treasures with the SCHS
The expert team met today in preparation for the Fête exhibit.

Francis Marion and the Snow’s Island Community
Marion’s Men were brought to life by Dr. Smith