Join our Membership!
The Huguenot Society of South Carolina welcomes new members.
Our membership claims descent from almost 700 French Protestant (Huguenot) refugees. These men and women left France, or in some instances, another country, prior to the Edict of Toleration in 1787. Descendants of the ministers who served the Huguenot congregations in South Carolina prior to 1787 are also eligible for membership in the Society. Membership in the Huguenot Society of South Carolina is open to all descendants of these Huguenot ancestors, without regard to the country to which the ancestor fled or to current race, religion or residence.
We are a lineage society and members must prove documented descent from a confirmed Huguenot ancestor. After verifying the applicant’s ancestor, our researchers work with applicants to make the process as simple as possible. We provide as much of the documentation as we can.
To begin an application, please contact us and we will be happy to guide you through the process.
Application Preparation Fee: $50
Application Fee: $100
Supplemental Ancestor Fee: $50
Annual Dues:
$15 up to age 27
$90 ages 28 to 79
$75 ages 80 to 89
$0 for 90 and above
This is a small sampling from the hundreds of Huguenot ancestors represented in our Society. As new members apply, we are constantly identifying and researching new ancestors. Please contact us if you have questions about a potential ancestor.
Agee, Mathieu | Gabeau, Antoine | Le Grand, Isaac | Pegues, Claudius |
Bacot, Pierre | Gaillard, Joachim | Le Jau, Francis | Pelot, Jean |
Bertonneau/Bertomeau, Sara | Gendron, Philippe | L’Escot, Paul | Peronneau, Henri |
Besselieu, Marc Anthony | Gibert, Pierre | Le Serurrier, Jacques | Porcher, Isaac |
Bonneau, Antoine | Giton, Judith | Lesesne, Isaac | Postell, Jean |
Boudinot, Élie | Guérard, Jacob | Mahieu, Hester | Poyas, Jean Louis |
Chastaignier, Alexandre Thesée de | Guérri, Pierre | Manigault, Pierre | Prioleau, Elias |
Chastain, Pierre | Guion, Louis | Marboeuf, Joseph de la Brosse de | Ravenel, René |
Cothonneau, Jérémie | Huger, Daniel | Marion, Benjamin | Richebourg, Claude Philippe de |
De Bourdeaux, Jacques | Huger, Daniel & Elie | Martiau, Nicholas | Robert, Pierre |
De Saussure, Henri | Jaudon, Daniel | Maupin, Gabriel | Sarrazin, Jean |
Du Bosc/DuBose, Isaac | Jay, Augustus | Mazyck, Isaac | Serré, Noé |
Du Pont, Abraham | Juin, Georges | Mouzon, Louis | St. Julien, Pierre de |
Faucheraud, Marie | La Motte, John Abraham de | Naudin, André | Thomas, Etienne |
Fayssoux, Daniel | La Rue, Abraham | Neufville, John | Timothée, Louis |
Fontaine, Jaques | Legaré, François Solomon | Ogier, Peter | Toussiger, Stephen |