Welcome to our Podcast!
Join us for each episode as we bring years of research out of the cabinets and drawers to the world via informal conversations with scholars and other personalities. While our Society may have been founded in 1885, our work is not done and we look forward to sharing both our histories as well as knew discover. Click here to submit a topic or area of discussion you would enjoy in a future episode.

Episode Nine: The New Bordeaux Cross Site
In this episode we hear a first hand report of the condition of the cross site at New Bordeaux, SC. Through misty eyes, we discuss the great change to the landscape and the blessing it is to have the cross still standing.

Episode Eight: The Goose Creek Cross Site
What is the history of the Goose Creek cross site? This episode is the first of a series of discussions on the cross sites maintained by the Society. Each site marks an original church of the Huguenots in South Carolina.

Episode Seven - Part Two: The History of The French Protestant (Huguenot) Church
Episode Seven, Part Two presents the second half of Renée Marshall, Director of Genealogy and Research and a discussion of the Society’s recently completed update to the history of the French Protestant (Huguenot) Church in Charleston.

Episode Seven - Part One: The History of The French Protestant (Huguenot) Church
Episode Seven, Part One features Renée Marshall, Director of Genealogy and Research and a discussion of the Society’s recently completed update to the history of the French Protestant (Huguenot) Church in Charleston. This is a two-part episode.

Episode Six: Just in time for summer reading… we meet Author Tracy Lawson.
Episode six features Tracy Lawson, Author, and a discussion of intrigue and patriotism on the topic of spies in the Revolutionary War.

Episode Five: A culinary view into Huguenot history.
For Episode Five, Cordon Bleu Chef and Society member, Linda Gillette, visited with Elizabeth and they enjoyed a brief recap of their recent culinary workshop with Explore Charleston which featured the presentation of two delicious recipes with Huguenot history.

Episode Four: The Ravenels Return to Vitré
Episode four is a journey to Vitré, France with Rick Wilson as he shares how he organized eighty of his relatives for a reunion and celebration of their Huguenot heritage. Rick sat down with Elizabeth to discuss how the trip came together and the highlights of the time in France. Not only was it a wonderful trip, it provides an example for us all to think about ways we can bring our descendants together and keep the ties of our shared history strong.

Episode Three: Remembering the Revocation
In this episode, Elizabeth and Cheves remember the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. From the terror of the dragonnades to the removal of children from protestant families, the tragedies of the revocation are shared in this discussion. The perilous escape of the Boyd children from a small town outside Bordeaux arriving Charleston in 1686 is discussed along with the Gaillard family and their finally getting out of France.

Episode Two: Joel Hutto on European Origins of the Hutto Family of Colonial South Carolina
Is Hutto of German or French origin? At first glance, one might say German. In this episode Elizabeth had time to visit with Joel Hutto while in Organgeburg, SC attending the annual Oktoberfest Family History Gathering presented by Orangeburg German-Swiss Genealogy Society. Mr. Hutto presented a talk on his upcoming book “European Origins of the Hutto Family of Colonial South Carolina,” a work in which his research of his ancestry brought him to Germany and then France as he learned of a new Huguenot ancestor from Courcelles-Chaussy in northeastern France near Metz. Joel shares many helpful approaches to research in Germany and France.

Episode One: Who were the Huguenots?
Who were the Huguenots? Who were these refugees fleeing France to Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Russia, Scandinavia, England and beyond? They were an industrious people who would go on to become some of the most valuable contributors to the formation of a new nation far across the ocean in the American colonies. Sharing their origins and their stories to present day is our mission and with this episode we begin at the beginning, in France.